2022 Full-time freelancing artist and photographer
project and solo exhibition „SHOOTING PICTURES“ at Niki-de-Saint-Phalle-Promenade, Hannover
2020-2021 Collaborative work on the project “Virenschleuder” with the temporary artists collective “KreativlOoser Kollektiv” concerning the covid pandemic and other topics such as gender norms and social behavior in online dating (follow up exhibition is planned for Oct. 23)
2020 short film „Brotlos?“ – a documentary about artists in Hanover and their hardships during the beginning of the covid pandemic (co-production)
September 2018 group exhibition „Zu Tisch“ at Keller III Gallery, Hannover
2017 group exhibition „Die Ethik der Ästhetik“ / “The Ethics of Aesthetics” Zukunftswerkstatt Ihme-Zentrum, Hannover
2017 Participatory social art project „WunschTraumBaum“ at Herrenhäuser Gärten, Hannover in collaboration with Nadine Baer
Participants were encouraged to reflect on their utmost dreams and wishes in form of a individually written note, that they then were able to hang in a lark tree which acted as a dream transformation medium
2017 solo exhibition „So kommst du nirgendwo hin“ / “You’re not getting anywhere like that” – at KrAss UnARTig Studio and Gallery, Hannover
2015 group exhibition during „Sofabühne“ at Pavillon, Hannover
2011 – 2018 University Hildesheim – Cultural Studies and Fine Arts
Major in Visual Arts esp. Photography
photography classes with Klaus Dierßen, Erol Gurian
visual arts classes with Karl Möllers (painting, collage, installation), Antje Schiffers (social practice)
1992 born in Hameln, Germany